We produce analysis, participate in events and continuously aim to improve our company. We share some of our work here.
SFDR Article
We wrote an article for the Venture Capital Magazine in which we explained why SFDR can be an opportunity for Venture Capital Funds.

We wrote an article for the Venture Capital Magazine in which we explained why SFDR can be an opportunity for Venture Capital Funds.
LCA Article
In this article, we describe what a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is and what a company can learn from evaluating the environmental footprint of one of its products.

In this article, we describe what a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is and what a company can learn from evaluating the environmental footprint of one of its products.
M&H @ Fintech – Stammtisch Berlin
Fintech and Sustainability: great to hear the subjects being raised together at the FinTech-Stammtisch Berlin when discussing the life-cycle of →
Impact Panel @ Reaktor Business Angel Camp
Harald discusses impact in angel investments at the Reaktor BA Camp 2022. →
DeGUT Impact Presentation
Marie and Harald at DeGUT 2022 →
BVMW Presentation on Sustainability Sprint
Agile sustainability sprints could be the solution to quickly generate an initial sustainability report. →
M&H at Pakcon 2022
We attended PAKCON 2022 to meet with old and new friends and keep learning. →
Publication in the VC Magazine
SFDR - A hidden opportunity for Venture Capital →