BVMW Presentation on Sustainability Sprint

Sustainability – achieve tangible results in a week, is that possible ❓❓❓

Yes of course! ❤️

MartinEnden from Proventa AG and Harald Bos from M&H showed how at an event organized by the BVMW – Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses.

Thank you for the positive feedback on the event! 🫶

The ideas were bubbling up as to what else could be done with such sustainability design sprints. 💡💡💡

Sustainability reports have already been discussed, but also:

– Reductions in energy expenditure ⚡
– Product design / life cycle assessments 🌱
– internal process optimization 💪

were mentioned. Always with the train of thought to deliver tangible results within a week.

Here are a few of the slides that were presented.

#sustainability #agile #nachhaltigkeit #sustainability_design_sprint

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