Fintech and Sustainability: great to hear the subjects being raised together at the FinTech-Stammtisch Berlin when discussing the life-cycle of →

Marie and Harald like to keep our finger on the pulse, which is why we enjoyed visiting #Degut2022 today where many #startup founders as well as #accelerators and some early-stage #investors gather.
This made for a fun session where Marie spoke about why #impact matters for #startups and how they can measure it from an early stage. An interesting question from the audience was whether there are any definition or standards that could give investors the confidence that a start-up is in fact an impact start-up. In short, there isn’t. But in our view, investors can remedy this by setting their own impact targets and evaluating how start-ups they screen measure up. Having a robust #esgstrategy with clear KPIs integrated thorough the entire investment cycle and meaningful engagement with #founders can be a good remedy.
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